Tiny Turtles
Non-Mobile Infants
(6 weeks - 2 years old)

Most parents are concerned about their infants safety and well being while in someone else's care. Here at the Learning Tree, we want your infant to feel and have the same routine that they would have at home. We call this an "on demand" classroom.
Little Ducklings
Mobile Toddlers
(1 - 2 years old)

Once your child becomes a strong walker and play independently, they graduate from Little Caterpillars to Little Ducklings! We work on beginning language skills with simple words and corresponding sign language, and both independent play and playing with friends.
Busy Bees
3 years old

Once your toddler is potty-trained and 3 years old, they're ready to buzz on up to Busy Bees!
Little Caterpillars
Mobile Infants
(3-6 months - 2 years old)

This classroom is for infants with good head control who are starting to explore crawling and gross motor development skills. Once they make that transition from infant to toddler, and become strong walkers, they graduate to our Little Ducklings.
2 years old

This classroom is intended for infants who have transitioned into toddlerhood, and will begin their potty-training journey.
4 years old (by Sept. 1)

We think of our Pandas class as a Kindergarten-readiness class. In addition to basic academic skills (letters, shapes, numbers, words, etc.), we place a heavy emphasis on social skills so that your child is ready to take on a new environment when they transition to Kindergarten.
Apply Today - Request a Tour

The link below will take you to a site called Brightwheel,
our online parent portal. You cannot apply without first creating an account through Brightwheel.
If your admission is approved, once we enroll your child(ren), the information entered on your application will carry over into your parent/student profile on the app.
5435 N Fresno Street | Fresno, CA 93710
Mon - Fri
7:00 am - 5:30 pm